1984 "Graduation Parade" Official Class Painting. My personal FAVORITE Class Painting! SO COOL!!! Only a few available!!! But 5 Starlites!!!
Starlites Available: Four Paper Starlites, One Canvas. Done Because it's AWESOME!!! Gotta Go and be seen on someone's wall!!!
NOTE: If ordering the Starlites, you can add a Starlite Frame. The Canvas Frame Cost is: $550.00. The Paper Frame Cost is: $650.00. Paper is more expensive because of the mounting process and possible mat addition.
Images: The Images of the Starlite show what the effect looks like with the frame. It Also shows how the external UV-LED makes the effect really POP!
1984 Official Class Painting: "Graduation Parade"- Canvas Editions
PriceFrom $30.00